Russell Wallace - The CEO of SEO
Russell Wallace is an intriguing individual who has accomplished so much in his 31 years of life. From 19 years of age when he started his first mortgage company, to battling leukemia and having open-heart surgery, to opening up a SEO company three years ago. Russell is moving forward and always planning for what the future holds.
29 Prime is an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) company that Russell started in 2010 in the garage of his home. Since then, his company has grown by more than 5000%, has over 200 employees, and is listed #6 in the Inc. 500 of fastest growing marketing and advertising companies. 29 Prime's primary service is providing small to medium sized businesses front-page placement on the most popular search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The primary goal for clients of 29 Prime is to create higher internet visibility and increase customer traffic.
Another company that was recently started by Russell in 2012 is Sky Motorsports, Inc. (skymotorsports.net). Other business start-ups are currently in the works. He is constantly coming up with new business ideas and new businesses. Russell Wallace is a true entrepreneur.
Where will the most significant growth occur from the company in the next few years?
We're going to be purchasing SEO companies; it's called "Growing through acquisition." Also we will be doubling in revenue, we're already doubling our revenue.
Why should businesses use the services 29 Prime has to offer?
For somebody to learn what we do and to actually do it, they would have to learn SEO, which would take a lot more time and money compared to just using our services and what we already know how and what to do. And, knowing that, we're good at.
What has had the most influence on your life in such a way that has brought you to where you are now?
Listening to a lot of Tony Robbins and other motivational speakers' CDs and actually taking what they say and doing it by utilizing it in my life everyday.
Do you have a life motto you live by? What is it and why did you choose it?
Always moving forward. No matter what happens, I'm always trying to move the deal forward. Tony Robbins calls it "personal power." What always moving forward is, is usually when people start out in something and they look back, they're not far forward from where they were a month ago. I'm always moving forward in everything I do. No matter what.
In what ways is your company giving back to the community?
The non-profit program we started. We're giving non-profits free SEO services, making free websites, giving them more exposure by putting them on the front page of Google, Yahoo, Bing, and putting them on our home website.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to start their own company?
Call me.
- Christine Owen
For info visit: http://www.29prime.com
(949) 777-6616
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